December 12, 2021No Comments

Gökhan Doğan – Digital Arts and Filmmaking – International Dystopian Film Festival

At the International Dystopia Film Festival, together with our Digital Cinematographer Yakar Anıl Canbolat, we talked about our orientation to Digital Arts, our self-discovery, the topics we feed on, the current NFT world, the point where Digital Arts and Film Production meet, and our digital art pipeline.

We shared with young talents the production scheme, team editing and experience behind the success of 106 films and 33 hours of animation output that we have released in the past two years.

Unfortunately, we do not have enough time to convey details and stories in such organizations. But I am preparing a much more detailed article series for this panel over 45 minutes.

October 18, 2019No Comments

The Journey of Being

"The Journey Of Being" was screened as part of "Immersive Art Festival", at "Atelier des Lumieres" in Paris, France. Using 140 video projectors and a spatialised sound system, Atelier des Lumieres covers a total surface area of 3,300 m2.

“The yearning tormented my mind, I searched the heavens and the ground. I looked and looked, but failed to find, I found Him inside man at last.”

Yunus Emre

We, as human beings, as a dusty molecule of this universe, all mysteries of ‘Being’ lies within ourselves. In this project, we aim to reveal the journey of an individual hoping to reach this mystery.

To visualize this, we designed a seven-stage journey from human creation to the Big Bang. Stages are held from an universal perspective as a process even though the roots of the concept are based on Mysticism.

August 25, 2019No Comments

PlayAlchemist 2019, Burning Man

Our digital representaions of different scientific & philosophic mediums will be enlightening a giant pyramid structure at Black Rock City PlayAlchemist Camp. The work will be a Void showcase, consisting of a harmonic composition from our best visuals so far. The pyramid will be video mapped using 3 x 32,000 lumen projectors to paint a 25 meters tall giant canvas. Thanks to the curators Playalchemist & Thelightharvest , we‘ll be presenting multimedia experiences for the citizens of Black Rock City again. Hope to see u there!

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