Chaos, expresses the regular style of dynamic systems. From point of my view irregularity creates, reconditeness within it and the excitement is procreated from reconditeness.
Delicate loyalty of the Chaos Theory to the conditions of earliest form, ability of It's to explain the original order of the universe, generates my reality.
When this realty consciousness is complemented with the experimental frame of mind, my production process is triggered. This process is an moment makes me feel, "I am existing!"
Monitorizing the irregular and the complex one from one step behind, creates my aesthetic. I am looking for the beauty created by Chaos for connection of bare foots on Chinese Street. For this reason, being of unpredictable of colours, voices, and phenomenon creates a timeindependent form in my reality. The nature of this form is wild and convenient to be experienced.
When the audience came across with the "Harmony of Feelings" ,during the 4 basic experiences, bears witness to analysis about the complex structure of hormones on our brain. This energy of adfluxion targeted to destroy norm of the order visually; is the point where the reality layer of audience and the creation are intersected.
Digital Artist : Gökhan Doğan
Music and Sound Artist : Fatih Sevimlikurt
Concept Writer : Ali Ata Kavame
Storyboard Artist : Görkem Tükenmez
Graphic Artist : Ege Adıyaman
Copywriter: Batuhan Ergün
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