November 27, 20191 Comment

Gökhan Doğan x MUSIAD – Vizyoner 19 // Audio Visual Mapping Performance

Gökhan Doğan x MUSIAD - Vizyoner 19 // Audio Visual Mapping Performance

At the Visionary Summit organized by MÜSİAD, the theme of "Digital Future" was handled. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan with the participation took place in Haliç Congress Center on November 27, 2019 summit was organized with a panel series titled "National Technology Initiative and the Digital Turkey", "Digital Commerce Economics", "Global Turkey's National Manufacturing Industry and the Market", "The Future of the Digital Economy and Money”,“The Future of Cities and Our Resources ”and also“ Our Digital Future Values ”.

The panel held with the aim to shed light on studies carried out in Turkey for the development of the global, development of technology of our century has passed with a detailed presentation on the impact on both economic and human areas.

At the summit, an opening was made with “Audio visual mapping performance” to represent the main titles of this panel series.

Credits - Direction & Animation : Gökhan Doğan Digital Arts Concept Development : Gökhan Doğan, Barış Serdar Documentation : Ege Adıyaman, Mustafa Batuhan Saraçoğlu Agency : BANZ Studio Client : MUSIAD Sound : Opus Jingle

October 18, 20192 Comments

The Journey of Being

"The Journey Of Being" was screened as part of "Immersive Art Festival", at "Atelier des Lumieres" in Paris, France. Using 140 video projectors and a spatialised sound system, Atelier des Lumieres covers a total surface area of 3,300 m2.

“The yearning tormented my mind, I searched the heavens and the ground. I looked and looked, but failed to find, I found Him inside man at last.”

Yunus Emre

We, as human beings, as a dusty molecule of this universe, all mysteries of ‘Being’ lies within ourselves. In this project, we aim to reveal the journey of an individual hoping to reach this mystery.

To visualize this, we designed a seven-stage journey from human creation to the Big Bang. Stages are held from an universal perspective as a process even though the roots of the concept are based on Mysticism.

September 9, 20192 Comments

OMM x Gökhan Doğan – Cometa

OMM x Gökhan Doğan - Cometa
// Machine Learning Reinforced Interactive Floor Mapping

Gökhan Doğan / @badqode /, a digital artist who proceeds his artwork in İstanbul, has been making tremendous impressions with Installation, Digital Artwork and Sculpture works for both domestic and international festivals for 5 years. His last published artwork Cometa, took place within Eskişehir's first and only Modern Art Museum @ommxart and presented a surrealistic experience to the visitors by Digital Art and Machine Learning system developed from @google Tensor Flow technology.

Cometa re-defined the perseption of space with the 252 square meter canvas for over 1200 visitors on the night of September 7th.

Starting out from the concept of comets, Cometa presented visitors the chance to create their individual artwork by leaving star dust on path they walk within their time and space journey, while leading them to the museum building.

August 26, 20171 Comment

Abysmal – Ars Electronica 2017 Deep Space

Nothing like our Deep Space 8K to really show someone's work in stunning detail - like "Abysmal". See it live at #arselectronica17 ! # prix ars electronica 2021

Abysmal - Ars Electronica

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Inspired Immersive A/V Performance - Ars Electronica / Linz

Abysmal means bottomless; resembling an abyss in depth; unfathomable.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Inspired Immersive A/V Performance - Ars Electronica / Linz
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Inspired Immersive A/V Performance - Ars Electronica / Linz

Perception is a procedure of acquiring, interpreting, selecting, and organizing sensory information. Perception presumes sensing. In people, perception is aided by sensory organs. In the area of artificial intelligence, perception mechanism puts the data acquired by the sensors together in a meaningful manner. Machine perception is the capability of a computer system to interpret data in a manner that is similar to the way humans use their senses to relate to the world around them. Inspired by the brain, deep neural networks (DNN) are thought to learn abstract representations through their hierarchical architecture. 

Deep learning is part of a broader family of machine learning methods based on learning data representations, as opposed to task-specific algorithms.

Deep learning emerged in the last decade and extremely changed and is still changing our current and future world. It refers to a ‘deep mining of data’ with so-called deep neural networks: neural networks having so many layers.  What a net is doing is cascading simple linear transformations to represent highly non-linear functions that could efficiently extract the basic structures and patterns within the data and map to an output of ‘making sense of input’. Yes, neural Nets is a cascade of layers: Those are hidden: who knows what is exactly happening! As one adds more and more ‘hidden’ layers, so the network gets deeper and one makes it able to represent any function: they are universal approximators. But getting deeper comes with a price: more layers mean more parameters to tune. Learning millions of parameters requires big data, otherwise, neural networks will fail. The learning/tuning process is a game of step back and forth in the space of numbers with a well known back-propagation technique. This game is played in training the networks — just like training a human which learns from his experience — well, mostly from his mistakes.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Inspired Immersive A/V Performance - Ars Electronica / Linz
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Inspired Immersive A/V Performance - Ars Electronica / Linz

A type of neural layer is Convolutional Neural layer which turns a network to a Convolutional Neural Network -- a neural network with particular ability to extract rich contextual information from image-like data, mimicking how a human observer understands the ’seen’ world, by expressing it in terms of non-seen, non-attended, non-humanly-expressible basic structures. How and why it performs far better than any other machine learning techniques and continues to even beat human-level performance is a hot topic and several technical proofs from optimization, probability, and statistics, mathematics, control theory, etc. perspectives are available, but it is still a pipeline of linear transformations, nothing more...

The work mostly shows the ‘hidden' transformations happening in a network: summing and multiplying things, adding some non-linearities, creating common basic structures, patterns inside data. It creates highly non-linear functions that map 'un-knowledge' to ‘knowledge'. As our time creates quintillions of bytes of information per day, how can we make sense of this huge amount of data? Let networks do it four ourselves. We give all the human knowledge and experience to the net then it will make sense of everything. As our life is becoming non-sense, maybe we expect NN to learn and give us the sense of it.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Inspired Immersive A/V Performance - Ars Electronica / Linz
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Inspired Immersive A/V Performance - Ars Electronica / Linz
3D Animation, Digital Arti, NFT Artwork

Check out our Digital Art Portfolio from


September 24, 2016No Comments

Lines A/V Architectural Mapping Performance

Watch our latest architectural projection show ‘Lines’ which turns the second largest administrative building in the world into an immersive architectural experience in imapp ! 23.000 square meters of projection surface has mapped using more than 104 projectors over 2.000.000 ANSI lumens. It has been billed as  the biggest projection mapping show in history.


The largest 3D video projection mapping contest in the world – iMapp Bucharest, organized by the Municipality of Bucharest, through creart – the Center for Creation, Art and Tradition, brought together more than 40.000 people on the 24th of September, in Constituției Square, for the third edition of the event.

iMapp Bucharest 2016, one of the biggest 3D multimedia shows in the world, organized by The Municipality of Bucharest thru creart – The Center for Creation, Art and Tradition of the Municipality of Bucharest, has announced its shortlist for the third edition of the imapp festival!

iMapp Bucharest stands for video projections on the second largest administrative building in the world, more than 104 projectors used, 23.000 square meters of projection surface, over 2.000.000 ANSI lumens and one huge stage. Each year, in September, the best video artists in the world showcase their work on the façade of the Palace of Parliament, in front of a large audience.

Video mapping uses a complex 3D image, that brings to life the surface of the building by forms and colours, using each architectonic element in order to personalize and reshape the gigantic area of the construction. Thus, the “outline” of the building becomes the main protagonist of a dynamic show of sound, colour, light, a true optical illusion.

2016 | iMapp Bucharest
Lines : IMAPP - A/V Projection Mapping
Lines : IMAPP - A/V Projection Mapping

Lines A/V Architectural Mapping Performance

the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, Romania, 2016, imapp


is an abstract architectural projection mapping show which took place on the facade of the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest, imapp which is the second largest administrative building in the world, with usage of more than 104 projectors over 2.000.000 ANSI lumens, on 23.000 square meters of projection surface. It has been billed as the biggest projection mapping show in history.

Watch Full Performance of Lines : IMAPP - A/V Projection Mapping

imapp : ‘Dialogue’

is a significant concept in the contemporary world.
A dialogue consists of the lines that are intended to be spoken. It is a form of active communicative interaction, which is the result of emergence of a specific discourse can also be described as "to engage in an exchange of views". The lines in a dialogue are actually the tangible forms of our perception.

Our world is getting increasingly interdependent and interconnected. Genuine understanding seems to be the exception rather than the norm in everyday communication. We speak different conceptual languages, hold different values, embody different ways of seeing the world.

Getting the inspiration from this strong theme of our present reality, our aim was to transform our perception into light and sound, using one of the biggest buildings in the world as our dynamic display. In this way, we had the chance to share a moment with the audience in order to create an abstract way of dialogue.

Lines : IMAPP - A/V Projection Mapping
Lines : IMAPP - A/V Projection Mapping

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